Albeit some screwups from ONE particular person in almost every fight, we made it to anub with 50 tries. Faction champs went surprisingly smooth, I didn't even know it was over when we downed it. i think having no hunter/rogue in the enemy NPCs made the sudden-unexpected burst damage a non-issue.
Anub itself was smooth till P3, then someone died, followed by me..(to penetrating cold >.<) and then people started dropping cos i was down. (i'm a healer) Our pally tank bubbled and we managed to down anub with just him, our warrior MT + an enh shaman left alive. super exciting can!! omg.
Sad to say, Heartsmasher didn't drop, and I lost the roll on the healer cloak as well as the mount :( but oh well, one of my main goals for now is accomplished =D INSANITY BABEH!!